There are several ways of marketing your Intuit website by Homestead. Much of your strategy will depend upon your niche and what your goals are. The tips I give you in this article will get you going in the right direction. I will be discussing a couple of advertising platforms that you can pay for and also some free ways of marketing your niche site.
Google Adwords
This program is free to join and will not cost you anything until your advertisements are clicked on. The way this marketing program works is that you use your credit card to put money into your account. The next step is to create your advertisements. This is a great way to get your website a lot of traffic fast and it can also cost a bundle if you don’t know what you are doing. There are places to learn correct ways of marketing where you won’t be wasting your money. The Adwords set-up is a wonderful way to market your Intuit website. Just make sure you get a good education about PPC before you start using the system.
Using Ezine Articles
This form of promoting your niche site is called article marketing. Create an account with article directories like Ezine Articles, Go Articles or Article Cube. Write keyword focused content and add an anchor text link in the author bio section at the bottom of the page directing people to your Intuit website page.
Download a screen recorder or get a Flip UltraHD Camcorder that shoots videos which can be uploaded to Youtube fast and easily. The Flip recorder is simple to use and creates outstanding videos.
Include information about your Intuit website in your Youtube videos and also a link in the the “more info” section of the video description box. Youtube is a very popular way to get your name on the Internet fast. The great thing about videos is if you choose good keyword phrases in your titles the videos show up on the first page of Google often. This type of website promotion will establish you as an authority in your niche quickly.
Those are three of the quickest and easiest ways for marketing and promoting your Intuit website. The Homestead SEO Videos, from the Homestead Users site will teach you how to get free traffic through the search engines. This is by far one of the best methods of generating lasting traffic for free and promoting your site.